Shipping Delays Caused by COVID-19 & GOP Efforts to Destroy the USPS

Shipping Delays Caused by COVID-19 & GOP Efforts to Destroy the USPS

We received many emails recently regarding delayed shipments, and we are just as frustrated as you are. Until now, we’ve chalked up these delays to Covid-19 and the difficulties it’s causing with shipping and logistics all over the globe, but as more details regarding Republican efforts to destroy the USPS have come out, it’s become apparent that there is a lot more going on here.

The trump-appointed Postmaster General has been making changes to company policy that are intentionally slowing down shipments, which a recently leaked memo confirms. However, this type of action is nothing new. Republicans have been attempting to dismantle and privatize the USPS for years. For instance, did you know that in 2006, during a particularly profitable time for the USPS, congress passed a mandate that required them to pre-pay retiree benefits 75 YEARS IN ADVANCE? This has financially crushed them ever since.

Covid-19 has caused a significant drop in business, a storm they could weather if Republicans weren’t consistently trying to put the final nails in their coffin. What can you do about it? Call your Senators! The house has already passed bills to repeal the Postal Accountability Act as well as provide 25 billion in support to the USPS but the senate needs to pass them for anything to happen. The American Postal Workers Union also has a great site set up with more information on what you can do:

Also, spend money at the Post Office! You can buy rolls of forever stamps, or ship a nice heavy gift to a quarantined friend or family member.

In the meantime, we ask for your patience, as these delays are entirely out of our control. These are not normal times, and extenuating circumstances are affecting our operations in dozens of different ways. As always, we are working 10+ hour days to fill orders as quickly as possible, and find new ways to improve your experience shopping with us.

USPS is far and away more affordable than any other shipping provider. A domestic package that we ship via USPS for $7.50 would cost $15+ via UPS or FedEx. And though we know international shipping is pricey regardless of carrier, USPS options are always at least $10-15 less expensive than others, and the USPS doesn't charge brokerage fees. 

The USPS is a vital service for America and those who wish to shop with American businesses. It’s a crucial resource for people in rural areas and extremely important for small businesses like your favorite kinky gear makers! Please help us and other small business everywhere by taking action!

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